Wednesday, August 24, 2011

For some reason, I'm still awake

So instead of studying/looking up random music, I might as well make "use" of my time and post something here. Not quite sure what.

I was going to post what I wore a few "days" ago... which turned into a few weeks ago... a few months ago. But then again, just looked at the photos, yeah, not too great.

Whatever. I'll make another music post soon!

Trying to see what I've done since the holidays... I should probably post about George/Dylan's party but I'll do that after this. + I want to repost the contact review posts I made on my Tumblr. But for now, let's rewind for 4 weeks and I'll write about me and Maxine's date!


  • We watched Captain America which was epic
  • We got $1 Ben & Jerry's at Southbank. Damn it, I only had $5 worth of coins on me but whatever
  • Had Korean barbeque
  • ... and camwhored a fair bit
And I'll present the product of our camwhoring. I see all your judging faces, but we had an hour to kill so what of it?

Ok that should be enough to keep you all going before I steal all the photos from the parties.

AFTER midsemester exams.

Music post will come after Saturday.

Sorry! Love you all. x

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TIme for truth

I'm going to have to be brutally honest in saying that I cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT, stand it when people constantly link their new blog posts on Facebook. Twitter, I can understand, but Facebook, really?! And I'm being serious here, the vast majority of the time, the people guilty of doing this are the ones whose blogs have little worth reading. It's not as though we can't see that you're desperate for attention; all the posts advertised are about love, heartbreak, hardship and here I am looking for a real blog.

Yes, I'm guilty of periodically reading these types of blogs, but only to scrutinise the owners' infallibility of realising what a tool it makes them look like. Legitimately, you might as well go ahead and write the entire blog on Facebook. Seriously, right now it really does not make one little ounce of difference. No, not a compliment in the slightest.

It really annoys me how I know these people for who they are - normal, happy people who "mask" these seemingly hidden and deep emotions in posts. Yeah, real funny. Trying to evoke sympathy? Real nice comeback if it's something like, "You don't know me at all. I vent what I feel. I might look strong on the outside but really I'm some emotional wreck whose life sucks blah blah blah..."

Oh, please. Poor little princess. Oh, did I hurt your self-worth? Wow.

You're in university and you're still treating your life as if everyone is against you.

Grow. Up.